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Recruiting Intelligence

Hobson’s International Qualification Converter - a product review


As part of our advisory work with colleges and universities, we provide advice and suggestions to our clients on how to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their international recruiting activities. It's what we do! We follow closely various services which can be helpful to our clients in this respect. We will periodically publish these reviews as part of our blog coverage, our white papers and recruiting guides to help you and your team make deicisons without doing the heavy lifting. 

We are always interested in your comments, suggestions and experiences with services designed to improve your international student recruitment activities. 

Here is our first review of Hobson's International Qualification Converter. 




Aggregated information for 20 countries on economic and international student data, school system and degree descriptions, and school listings


$4,500 for unlimited 1-year access (currently 20 countries)

Summary assessment: 

Nice to have, but not mission critical.



It’s always nice to have a single access point for various information sources and large free web resources such as: economic macro data (e.g. exchange rates), U.S. IIE open door report data, and educational system descriptions (NAFSA). From our perspective, a significant value can be the list of schools, in particular, in countries such as China. The address lists alone are a starting point. Additional data points and descriptions of the schools would significantly enhance the value.


Product access:





Rating (Scale 1-10) 10 = absolutely must have service

3 in current state

(a much higher rating 5 or 6 if the local school listings become more robust with additional information and statistics on each school) 






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