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Recruiting Intelligence

Introducing: Why Education Matters

If you are reading this, chances are you have a vested interest in higher education. You believe strongly in the importance of education for all people, all ages, all backgrounds and ethnicities. Lately the media and many authors have focused on the demise of higher education, the unnecessary time and money spent in receiving an education, and the overall downfall of higher education. While we believe that higher education administrators will find ways to improve the current state of higher education in the US, we also believe in the fundamental importance of higher education. We're going to take on that negativity with something positive-- we want to show why education matters.

We've developed a new website that we'd love for you to explore. 

Why Education Matters

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We have a lofty goal of matching 1000 education related quotes with 1000 beautiful images to highlight the importance of education, to show why education matters. If you have a quote or an image you'd like to share, please do so.


In fact for every quote we use we will donate $2 to The Malala Fund. In honor of the incredible Malala Yousafzai, "The Malala Fund’s solutions are grounded in inspired innovation: they are girl-centric approaches to education that support the Fund’s goal of creating a world where every girl reaches her true potential." We have been inspired by Malala. She exemplifies why education matters.


Be a part of something big this winter. Let's show the world why education matters to each of us.


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We will make all images with corresponding quotes available to our colleagues for use in print and digital materials. This is a site we can all use to promote the importance of education. Please join us as we embark on this exciting new venture. We look forward to seeing your quotes, photos and feedback.


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