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Recruiting Intelligence

Armchair International Student Recruitment - part 3

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students" (Click here to read the entire book).


7. Advertisements in local newspapers, magazines and other periodicals

Students and parents use local periodicals as one source of information on higher education.  By advertising in these periodicals, especially in the local language, you will be able to reach a wider audience than if you rely on email or a website alone.


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Print advertising moves branding of your institution to a broader context beyond solely using direct student recruitment.  Depending on the specific country, you may consider a public relations effort that highlights your academic research, alumni assuming government or corporate positions, or particular business successes. Many universities’ marketing departments are highly experienced with this showcasing process in their home markets.  Similar to the United States, advertising and marketing agencies provide information about the local publications reaching your target audience(s).

8. Distribution of materials to local high schools

In the same way that materials are sent to American high schools, we recommend sending materials to targeted international high schools.  Rely on previous applications, suggestions from colleagues, and your own research to determine your targets and to make inroads into prospective high schools.

Build personal relationships with counselors, administrators and teachers within targeted schools.  These relationships will become increasingly valuable as students enroll in your school and report back that they are happy with their decisions.  Of course, you need to deliver on your brand promise to the students so that they can become the influential ambassadors you want.


9. Material distribution via EducationUSA offices in country

To submit materials to EducationUSA offices, first obtain a login and password. Here is the request website: https://www.educationusa.info/secure/signup.php. You’ll find more information on EducationUSA in section 78. 

10. Building relationships with local immigrant communities

All major US metropolitan areas have immigrant communities, many with their own print and web publications, radio stations and other community organizations. Building a welcoming image and relationship with these communities can be very helpful in a number of ways.  Informal communication networks among immigrant communities influence students’ and their parents’ selection of location for study. “We want you to be close to uncle or aunt….”  Relatives or acquaintances provide an extra assurance that international students, traveling thousands of miles from home, will be well cared for and properly guided.  There is great comfort to parents in knowing that IF an emergency arises far from home, family members are nearby.  Our research has shown that this fact alone was the deciding factor for applicants with multiple admittance letters to accept a particular university. 

88 Ways to recruit international students
