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Recruiting Intelligence

Lisa Cynamon Mayers & Michael Waxman-Lenz

Canada's Competitive Advantage


At Intead Insights we consistently analyze the global competition for qualified, tuition-paying international students.

Canada is a successful contender in this global competition. The recently published report A World of Learning: Canada’s Performance and Potential in International Education demonstrates the Canadian determination to become an even strong player in this arena. The report provides a critical analysis of international student satisfaction with their experience in Canada. It also looks at the perceptions of discrimination international students feel in Canada. Finally, the report develops a set of recommendations on how to address the issues discussed.

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Topics: Insights

The International Admissions Officer Bookshelf - Summer 2013

We are avid readers of all types of materials so we decided to share with our readers our staff bookshelves. Here is our first installment.  Please feel free to send us recommendations of books you found helpful and would suggest to your colleagues. 

Cross-cultural Understanding           

Susan Cain's book "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking" may seem an unusual choice for your international admission officer bookshelf. This is a helpful book for anybody who is not an introvert and who wants to understand his or her environment and improve working relationships. In the international arena, the books offers key insights into introvert and extrovert behaviors within different cultures, also called high context or low context cultures.   

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International student recruitment from EducationUSA

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students" (Click here to read the entire book)

EducationUSA offers a whole range of distribution channels to universities, one of which is this  weekly RSS feed with news from universities.

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International student recruitment from virtual fairs to webinars

11. Virtual college fairs

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students" (Click here to read the entire book)

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Armchair International Student Recruitment - part 2

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students"

II. Armchair recruiting

Don’t underestimate what you can accomplish from your office in Dubuque, Syracuse or South Bend.  Even if you are chained to your desk, figuratively we hope, you can pursue numerous recruitment strategies with potentially great payoff.  If your institution is just beginning to explore international recruitment, many of these methods can help you wet your feet in the international sector.  Or if your institution has already made inroads in some markets, these methods can help to cultivate additional regions. Let’s begin. 


4. Targeted marketing materials for each international market

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Armchair International Student Recruitment - part 3

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students" (Click here to read the entire book).

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Armchair International Student Recruitment

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students". 

II. Armchair recruiting

Don’t underestimate what you can accomplish from your office in Dubuque, Syracuse or South Bend.  Even if you are chained to your desk, figuratively we hope, you can pursue numerous recruitment strategies with potentially great payoff.  If your institution is just beginning to explore international recruitment, many of these methods can help you wet your feet in the international sector.  Or if your institution has already made inroads in some markets, these methods can help to cultivate additional regions. Let’s begin.


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American universities and their college admissions process are unique

We have developed a unique university and college system as well as a unique admissions process in the United States.  This unique enrollment and application process appears arbitrary, opaque and difficult to master. As a result independent admissions counselors have become a critical intermediary in many countries, not to mention the United States. *For full disclosure, Lisa works as an independent admissions counselor. 

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What to do about too many Chinese students?

Many admissions officers will say: I wish that I had this problem. We are hearing more frequently from university officials concerns about having too many Chinese students with the consequence of isolation and limited contact with American students.  

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