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Recruiting Intelligence

The iPad - the coolest university marketing platform on the road

We are great believers in the iPad as a presentation tool for university admissions staff. The iPad still has a coolness factor, offers a compelling content experience for one-on-one and large presentations, is convenient for travel and offers many other benefits.

We have been reluctant to recommend the iPad as a consumer advertising medium to universities. An iPad app certainly has a cool factor --- try the University of Dayton app in the iTunes store--but is it worth investing significant amounts of marketing money? 

Here are the latest estimates from emarketer on the penentration. 

Screen Shot 2012 06 11 at 11.02.05 AM 

For the entire report, go to http://bit.ly/KvXaIf

Recommendations for Universities: 

1) Use the iPad as a presentation platform for admissions and fundraising.  Evaluate your goals, alternative presentation solutions, your budget and then implement. 

See example of Study Korea @ NAFSA in Houston, where they displayed their iPad on a larger display screen. 

2) Start considering the iPad for your direct student and parent marketing via the iTunes store. 

 See great example from University of Dayton's app in the iTunes store. 

We are creating a small guide for different iPad presentation tools, ranging from your Powerpoint software to interactive enterprise apps.  Let us know if you have examples for the use of iPads in your recruiting activities. 


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