In late 2013 we unveiled STOURY, a unique app designed to tell your university's story anywhere, in any language. STOURY allows you to deliver dynamic, vibrant and informative conversations.
As you and your team travel the country and the world, our new app keeps everyone on message and in sync. All of your latest content syncs to each mobile tablet automatically – the latest photos, graduation statistics, academic achievements and videos appear automatically for all users.
Let’s face it, this multi-cultural, multi-language, cross border stuff is as gratifying as it is complicated. STOURY allows your colleagues and partners to share the same message-- the message that you've cultivated. STOURY can be used by admission counselors, international agents, the alumni and development staff-- really anyone who engages with prospective students, parents and alumni.
We pride ourselves on helping our clients to find creative digital solutions to make international student recruitment and enrollment easier, more meaningful and personalized. STOURY is just one of many options we would encourage you to consider.

We all know that international student recruitment is challenging and rewarding, time consuming and exhilerating. It's a real yin-yang line of work. Look to us to help make your work more successful.