Shout out to Q4 for giving us all something to think about. Cue the Chinese expression: "Better to be a dog in times of tranquility than a human in times of chaos." (宁享平安犬生,莫为乱世中人). Yup, got it! Right now, we are those humans, perhaps wishing we were dogs.
Between the US presidential election and IIE Open Doors data, many of us are recalibrating our approach to 2025. Fortunately, we’ve worked through anti-immigration policies and lackluster international student enrollment numbers before. We’ll weather this. But there is work ahead for all of us.
So, if you’ve missed a few of our Recruiting Intelligence articles, we understand. This post will catch you right up.
Opportunities to Meet the Intead Team
- AIEA in March and NAFSA in May, we'll be presenting our latest findings at both. Want to connect at either event? Let us know.
Bookmark this: Intead’s Resource Center
Access 800+ articles, slides decks, reports with relevant content on any topic important to enrollment management and student recruiting. Check it out.
Below, get our latest insights on topics that matter to you, including:
- Digital Marketing: The impact of AI on your SEO; Our social algorithms cheat sheet
- Marketing Strategy: 5 Student recruitment markets worth considering; How to find and use your student career outcome data to recruit; Why personas get a bad rap
- Industry Reports: CHLOE 9: Strategy Shift -- Institutions Respond to Sustained Online Demand; Trump v Harris -- Student Sentiment Analysis
- Conference Highlights: Intead’s notes and slides from AMA Higher Ed, PIE Live Boston, NAFSA XI
Read on…
Here’s the latest news from Intead’s Recruiting Intelligence.
Digital Marketing
AI Affects Your SEO – But Not in the Ways You Think
Is AI affecting my SEO? One among a legion of questions surfacing since generative AI went mainstream. But it’s one we’re fielding a lot. This post gets into it. Talk this one through with your SEO team.
Understanding Social Media Algorithms for Student Recruitment
Our cheat sheet breaks it down. Because it’s not all about content. Digital marketing is also about math. Social media runs on numbers after all. Don’t worry this post isn’t all algorithmic equations. Rather, it’s about understanding the intent of why they work the way they do. Check it out.
Marketing Strategy
5 Student Recruitment Markets Worth Considering
Feed your need to diversify your student source markets with our research. Over the past year we’ve offered insights into regions we think are well worth watching – China, India, Vietnam, Tanzania, Guyana. Each of these countries offers something interesting for international student recruiters to think about. All won’t be right for every institution, but each are right for some. Find our overview here.
International Students Seek US Jobs: How You Can Help
Despite the hurdles, international students continue to seek US degrees in relatively large numbers. And the majority are heavily focused on their future careers. Our advice: show them how a degree from your university can help them get the future they want. Click here to read our tips including 3 tried and true + 1 very much new.
Why Personas Get a Bad Rap
The process of creating marketing personas is so much more than a surface demographic dig. With research, what you uncover can lead to really compelling and consistent marketing that will resonate with your prospects because you will have firm insights into their mindset, influencers, and ultimately, their choices. But beware of shallow persona development. Help your team understand your target audiences and be consistent in their approach to communications.
Industry Reports
More Campus Leaders Wake Up to Demand for Online Education
Increased demand for online learning is forcing institutions to rethink their approach to programming. You likely read that line in a news article a decade ago. But it is news once again. Read our take on this on-campus trend as highlighted in the CHLOE 9 Report – Strategy Shift: Institutions Respond to Sustained Online Demand.
Trump v Harris: New Student Sentiment Analysis
The international student market is a competitive one. The universities that succeed are those that truly understand the consumer in each student segment. And that includes how they view the US presidential election. Insights from our Know Your Neighborhood (KYN) 2024 Student Sentiment Analysis done in partnership with Studyportals. Our research found its way into 10+ media hits and many, many downloads. There is more international student support for the Trump win than you may have thought.
Industry Insights
What We Understand About Affinity – and Other AMA Higher Ed Reflections
As a consumer of education or any other product or service, there is an affinity we aim to acquire. That connected and valued feeling leads to student retention and marketing concepts of customer lifetime value. More on this and other AMA Higher Ed conference highlights here.
Open Doors Data and PIE Live Boston Reflections
Highlight from the IIE Open Doors panel discussion at PIE Live in Boston: as the number of students who want an international education grows globally, lesser expensive degree options are going to attract more students. Your To Do: make a strategic decision to either offer less expensive options or develop stronger value propositions to attract those with more purchasing power. We get into it all here.
To Engage Students, Listen to Students
The buzz topic at NAFSA XI 2024: creative ways to engage students. The primary focus being study abroad during this conference. The Intead team was there in force gathering intel and sharing our latest data-informed thinking. Read our takeaways here.
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