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Recruiting Intelligence

The Common App Challenges International Student Admissions

In addition to working for Intead as the Academic Advisor, I also work alongside high school students counseling and preparing them for the college application and admissions process. As an independent counselor I don't work for a specific high school or college. I am paid directly by my clients. I treat each family as if the students were my own children, eager to go into the world, but in need of advice to get to the next step. Because of my work with Intead I am incredibly interested in the great agent debate primarily because it affects our clients and their ability to recruit students, but more personally because, abroad, I would likely be assigned the title "agent." This post isn't intended to perpetuate the agent debate but given my unique perspective as one who works with students and parents, in the US and internationally, and who partners with universities, I have an ability to see these issues from numerous sides.

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The New Revenue Driver: Continuing Education

One of the key functions of higher education programs is to award a credential. The credential signals to our environment that we have passed certain hurdles, mastered certain content. The certificate provides a filter for the hiring market to help managers select candidates worth investing time and effort to interview and hire with a level of confidence that talent and skills have been pre-established and pre-evaluated.

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Topics: Insights

Why (my) Students Study Abroad: An American Educator's Perspective

Sometimes, watching globalization from America isn’t the same as going overseas to see it at work.  I recently returned from a semester teaching at Bahcesehir University in Istanbul.  BAU was founded as an intentionally global university, growing hand-in-hand with the emerging global economy.  It has campuses in nine different countries, and purposefully draws a student body from around the world.  Working with its students gave me a chance to learn more about what drives students to study abroad.  Below are four institutional and cultural dynamics driving overseas study.

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Topics: Country Focus

Joint Venture: How MOOCs Bring Faculty and Administration Together

A little research study called " To Mooc or not to Mooc: Strategic lessons from the pioneers: an analysis of administrator and faculty motivations" by Insidetrack and ACE (American Council on Education) caught our attention. The survey reflects views of faculty that have actually participated in teaching via these digital channels. (For the uninitiated: MOOC = Massive Open Online Course). The report authors summarize their findings as follows for administrators and faculty:
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Topics: Insights

Understanding the Korean Education System: A Primer

Pearson recently released a global report on education comparing major factors in education, such as expenditure per student, GDP, graduation rates, etc. One of the top countries in Pearson’s list is South Korea. According to the report, there are some interesting differences between Korean education and American education. Understanding the Korean system can help in international student recruitment.

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What Grad Schools and Greeting Cards Have in Common?

Consumer behavior is changing, in part because consumer options are increasing rapidly. Simple case in point, how many channels did you have to choose from when you watched TV as a child?

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Topics: Insights

10 Social Media Management Tools for College Admission Officers

How many social media accounts do you have? Two? Five? Eight? Do you have any in China?

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The Global Grab: Where Are Grad Students Enrolling Now?

Graduate Business Schools have become globally oriented education institutions. In the United States business schools are experiencing strong financial headwinds and international students have been a welcome source of tuition revenue. Competition among schools has and will intensify based on a number of trends: schools are increasing their recruiting range, launching hybrid and online programs reaching way beyond their traditional recruiting radius. Obviously bigger brands and budgets are taking market share from local schools.The latest news that Thunderbird business school is accepting an investment from Laureate and forming a joint venture shows the competitive pressures in this education segment.

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Topics: Insights

Digital Engagement Tools for International Student Recruitment

Marketing to prospective students, especially prospective international students can no longer rely on print materials and websites alone. The array of digital engagement tools available for marketing and admission departments is vast. These engagement tools are affordable, entertaining and can help to distinguish your institution from the competition.

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Award for St. John's University for Student Enrollment Marketing

Do you know the travel books from Lonely Planet? If you do, you probably love them as much as I do. If not, you should get to know them if you travel anywhere in the U.S. or in the world. They are great guides for your travels. What does that have to do with St. John's University in New York? 

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