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Recruiting Intelligence

Understanding the Korean Education System: A Primer

Pearson recently released a global report on education comparing major factors in education, such as expenditure per student, GDP, graduation rates, etc. One of the top countries in Pearson’s list is South Korea. According to the report, there are some interesting differences between Korean education and American education. Understanding the Korean system can help in international student recruitment.

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What Grad Schools and Greeting Cards Have in Common?

Consumer behavior is changing, in part because consumer options are increasing rapidly. Simple case in point, how many channels did you have to choose from when you watched TV as a child?

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Topics: Insights

10 Social Media Management Tools for College Admission Officers

How many social media accounts do you have? Two? Five? Eight? Do you have any in China?

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The Global Grab: Where Are Grad Students Enrolling Now?

Graduate Business Schools have become globally oriented education institutions. In the United States business schools are experiencing strong financial headwinds and international students have been a welcome source of tuition revenue. Competition among schools has and will intensify based on a number of trends: schools are increasing their recruiting range, launching hybrid and online programs reaching way beyond their traditional recruiting radius. Obviously bigger brands and budgets are taking market share from local schools.The latest news that Thunderbird business school is accepting an investment from Laureate and forming a joint venture shows the competitive pressures in this education segment.

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Topics: Insights

Digital Engagement Tools for International Student Recruitment

Marketing to prospective students, especially prospective international students can no longer rely on print materials and websites alone. The array of digital engagement tools available for marketing and admission departments is vast. These engagement tools are affordable, entertaining and can help to distinguish your institution from the competition.

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Award for St. John's University for Student Enrollment Marketing

Do you know the travel books from Lonely Planet? If you do, you probably love them as much as I do. If not, you should get to know them if you travel anywhere in the U.S. or in the world. They are great guides for your travels. What does that have to do with St. John's University in New York? 

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The British Are Coming

Yes, we know that Paul Revere did not actually shout, "The British are coming." But that's how we felt after reading the latest report on International education strategy: global growth and prosperity, published by the UK Ministry of Education. Let us say right up front that we were impressed.
The report has a refreshing, comprehensive, upbeat focus and offers a competitive spirit supporting the importance of British higher education in the world and what the sector can contribute to the UK economy.
We miss that spirit of enthusiasm, energy and competitiveness in our U.S. discussions. Who would have thought that our European colleagues could be quite a bit more entrepreneurial than we are here in the U.S.

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Topics: Insights

To a successful new college admissions year

College admission cycles are like the seasons of the year. If you follow a traditional admissions cycle you know what it's like to live through the cycles of the process. Many schools are admitting more frequently than annually but there is still a big new start in the fall.  

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India Opens Its Doors To The Global Higher Education Market

The Education Sector gets covered a lot in the Indian media and on Tuesday this week the Indian newspapers reported that foreign universities will be allowed to establish a campus in India, to operate independently and to issue foreign degrees locally.  While this may not be in the plans for all institutions, it is certainly something to keep an eye on, as it will potentially have a big impact on student recruitment, research collaboration and the local public perception of foreign education providers.

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How Your University Can Benefit from MOOCs

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Topics: Insights