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Recruiting Intelligence

Social media - the new frontier for student recruitment marketing

Universities are getting hit by a tsunami of changes ranging from increased competition among universities as they expand traditional recruiting territories, stronger on-line competition from traditional and new competitive entries, rising tuition and student debt levels as well as a new marketing environment.  I am focusing on the latter change, which is getting less attention given the magnitude of the other factors. 

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Understanding Digital & Social Media in South Korea


South Korea, officially known as the Republic of Korea, is one of the most connected countries in the world with high broadband penetration rates and a tech savvy population. The wireless internet is seeing a rapid rise in uptake in South Korea; the number of users of both smartphones and tablets doubled between 2011 and 2012, according to a December 2012 report from the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA).

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Will Innovator's Dilemma Put Your Institution Out of Business?

One of our favorite business books is Clayton Christensen Innovator's Dilemma which relates to today's Insight. The author, Harvard Professor Clayton Christensen, describes how successful companies get pushed aside by newer, cheaper products that will, over time, get better and become a serious threat to the incumbent service provider. Being older and more established, the incumbent is often unable to respond.

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Topics: Insights

Five Important Cloud Services for International Student Recruitment

Our mystery shopper experiment as well as our direct work with university clients has shown us repeatedly that many international admission officers don't have appropriate digital support services, such as email, mobile delivery and publishing tools available. This article will introduce you to several cloud-based services to ease your work with prospective international students. 

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Our Best Test Environment for Scaling Online Teaching

Are private companies driving all the advances in online education? Recent articles on MOOCS and online education efforts certainly give the impression that the private sector is the driving force of online teaching.
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Topics: Insights

The International Admissions Officer Bookshelf - Summer 2013

We are avid readers of all types of materials so we decided to share with our readers our staff bookshelves. Here is our first installment.  Please feel free to send us recommendations of books you found helpful and would suggest to your colleagues. 

Cross-cultural Understanding           

Susan Cain's book "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking" may seem an unusual choice for your international admission officer bookshelf. This is a helpful book for anybody who is not an introvert and who wants to understand his or her environment and improve working relationships. In the international arena, the books offers key insights into introvert and extrovert behaviors within different cultures, also called high context or low context cultures.   

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Career Development 301: Get Your Students Collaborating Across Borders

Technology is your friend. Even when it frustrates you.Imagine your students collaborating with students overseas to produce a presentation on supply chain management. Imagine them overcoming the annoyances of time zone differences, language and cultural differences and yes, technology frustrations. Is this an experience that will help them later in their professional careers? The latest research says "absolutely." And the research says we're not doing a good enough job teaching these 21st century workplace skills.
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Topics: Insights

Willingness to pay - a bigger challenge ahead for universities

Tuition discounting is a common way to attract students and or to make the university program affordable to potential students. Universities will encounter an even greater mindset challenge in respect to price as digital courses, MOOCs, and hybrid courses proliferate and become more acceptable as an education credential to employers.  At that time, pricing will be an even bigger issue since you are looking at the willingness to pay at all, not the level of payment. I speak from experience since I spent many years of my professional life in the digital content industry convincing consumers to pay for what was available for free elsewhere.  My experience was rooted in the social expression industry marketing paid online greeting cards, instant messenger content and mobile content, generally widely available for free. Nevertheless,we were able to show value and millions of consumers were willing to pay every year for that digital content. 

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Technology & International Student Recruitment: SEO 101

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students" (Click here to read the entire book)

#57. Search Engine Optimization

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International Student Recruitment in Russia

At the 2013 ICEF Toronto Workshop I had the pleasure of attending several thoughtful sessions. One of those sessions, led by Anna Ryzhova of the Association of Russian Educational Advisors, was particularly useful. For those institutions that are looking to expand recruitment into Russia, understanding how to enter the Russian market is critical. Through our blog we try to give you a deeper knowledge of various markets to help you begin or expand your recruitment efforts.

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