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Recruiting Intelligence

Do You Reply to Chinese Student Inquires? 25% Don't!

Today we are sharing our Mystery Shopper experiment which we had previously shared on our blog. We've received such a significant response to it, we want to be sure our Insight subscribers see this.

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Topics: Insights

Now On YouTube-- The Response to International Student Inquiries

We are thrilled to announce that our mystery shopper experiment we announced last month is now featured in two videos created by the ICEF Monitor. This is Intead's fifteen minutes of fame-- actually it's not quite that long! If you're curious about how nearly 25% of institutions we surveyed didn't reply to prospective international student inquiries, here is your chance to check out the video explanations. It's summer-- take a break, pour yourself a glass of lemonade and enjoy the two part video series. 

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MOOCS - The Intel Chip Inside Challenge

Branding and reach will be a major challenge and opportunity for MOOCS of existing public and non-profit universities.   First of all all, let's clarify that MOOCS are Massive Open Online Courses offered by a variety of for-profit-and non-profit academic institutions. 

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Are we just expecting too much from an education?

The report " The Voice of the Graduate" is providing a view of student satisfaction with higher education. We are evaluating and our ability to prepare graduates for appropriate positions in the professional world in light of students' choices of their majors and to a smaller extent their choice of academic institution. The global consultancy, McKinsey prepared this research as part of their ongoing initiative “education to employment."
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Topics: Insights

Technology & International Student Recruitment: Creative Approaches

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students" (Click here to read the entire book)

#59. Create a Wikipedia page in local language

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Beyond student enrollment - what's the PPP?

For all those students of economics, yes PPP can stand for purchasing power parity, but I would like to use PPP as President and Parent Perspective. Why do I want to talk about that perspective? 

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Is Social Media Really a Competitive Advantage?

A few weeks back we shared our insights (What Millennials Really Want) on a report by Boston Consulting Group focused on understanding differing perceptions about Millennials and how enrollment managers might adjust their efforts to attact this group. We offered ideas about interacting with Millennials in ways they prefer. This week, building on the theme of understanding Millennials, we found a recently published report by The Chronicle of Higher Education and the Salesforce Foundation: "College Admissions in the Social Media Age" (requires registration).
Social media continues to be one of the most challenging communications channels for universities (and companies) to manage. The medium offers tremendous ability to segment audiences and customize automated outreach. It also offers unparalleled opportunities to track and analyze your marketing efforts/investments.

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Topics: Insights

Time to build a differentiated university brand or you will fail

Brand building has been a fascinating topic for me for a long time. We all know of venerable brands in different industries: Coca Cola, IBM, Apple...As so many things, brand building has accelerated in the time of digital marketing-- think of Google, Facebook, Twitter which have become household names in much shorter time periods than traditional brands.  Consider which well known university brands come to mind for you first when you think of universities--- we'll get back to your thoughts later and let's compare notes at the end of the blog. 

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Monsters University: Fiction Can Inform Your Online Marketing

Disney/Pixar continues to amaze me with their ability to create fictitious worlds that seem real. The amount of time that their design team spent researching college websites to create the new Monsters University site is considerable. This fictional website is better than many real college websites. Attention to detail is amazing. Real institutions can learn a great deal from the Monsters University site. Even without a monster budget (ha ha) like Disney your institution can emulate the best of this site to enhance viewers' experience with your website.

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Ouch! One Third Of Colleges Show Declining International Enrollment

By and large, international student enrollment in U.S. universities has been growing steadily for the past 60 years. (We acknowledge a few years during the six decade period that show a minor decline.) We just got back from another exciting and well attended national Nafsa conference in St. Louis which confirmed the incredible interest by academic institutions in internationalizing their campus and growing international student enrollment. Yet, as our summer and fall efforts to recruit heat up, we need to throw a litte bit of cold water to dampen our excitement, if that metaphor works for you.

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Topics: Insights