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Recruiting Intelligence

Are University Presidents worried about the right things?

University President is a high profile and very challenging position. Trends in higher education are not making the position easier. As a result, we were interested in this little study of What Presidents Think underwritten by Pearson and published by the Chronicle of Higher Education. 

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The Two Critical Marketing Systems to Increase Your International Student Enrollment

Student enrollment requires a personal interaction with prospective students and their parents. At the same time, admissions departments are faced with many demands and limited budgets. Marketing technology is part of the solution to establish efficient processes in order to reach more students more efficiently but also since prospective students are researching their university choices via digital channels. 

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Average is Over: Successful International Student Enrollment Requires an Increased Energy Level

During the winter break, I found more time to read lots of books and magazines. Let me share one headline that stuck with me.  "Average is Over." It's the title of economist Tyler Cowen's book about the future of our economy. But beyond the title of this book, this theme was prevalent in many of the books and articles I read. Competition is intensifying across all product and service categories, and product cycles are decreasing. Higher education is no exception to that increased competitive environment.  And you, the admissions and marketing departments, stand at the forefront of that competition for qualified and motivated students.  

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University Admissions: Meet your Digital Millennial Consumer

  • What motivates and interests this generation?
  • How can universities communicate and how does this student group communicate with each other?
  • What can we tell about how this generation consumes content?

The millennial index highlights five different segments and personas (See Chart 1). Depending on your focus (undergraduate vs. graduate studies), you will find a different share of these segments among your target audience. 

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International Higher Education: An ESL Teacher's Perspective

Teaching English as a Second Language in the US for the past six months, has opened my eyes to a whole new area of higher education. The blast of university international students wanting to study in America has increased significantly over the past few years and I am excited to be a part of its growth. Working in the classroom, I get to have close interaction with the students on a daily basis and learn about each one individually. Everyday I am amazed with their strength and optimism adjusting to our country as well as our education system.

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"Sorry, we were not mobile ready" is NOT acceptable

This INTEAD insight is going to report on our learning. Have a look at our chart below. Over 50% of all emails were opened on a mobile device in December 2013 according to Return Path, a large email solutions provider.  27% were opened on a desktop client such as Outlook and 22% from a webmail client such as Gmail opened within a browser. 

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Enhancing International Student Recruitment Through Images

When we launched Why Education Matters in December 2013 we hoped that our new venture would capture and engage the public. We have been astounded by the warm embrace and excitement this new website has generated. Now that we're well on our way and know that many of you have visited and enjoyed the site, we want to tell you how you can use our incredible images...for FREE!

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Digital direct marketing to international students: are you on target?

Digital marketing is a main channel for reaching students and is especially critical for reaching international students. In a perfect world you could attract these prospective students directly to your website without paying for third-party lead generation services. However, in reality, college-seekers often start with generic web searches (e.g. program of interest, location) and not with searches for specific schools.

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Latest Data Trends: International Student Enrollment Success Breeds More Success

In this Intead Insight, we take a deeper look at the long term trends in international student enrollment. Universities need a long-term commitment to build internationalization programs. Successful international enrollment requires dedicated staff resources and expertise as well as campus-wide support. 

We are using the open door data, collected annually by the Institute of International Education (IIE). This year to year view of international student enrollment trends is extremely helpful. The most recent report showed a 7.2% overall increase in the total number of international students studying in the U.S. which represents 3.9% of all college level enrollment in the U.S.

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Admission Officer: Learning Skills for a Lifetime

The three years that I spent as an admission counselor at Washington University in St. Louis included some of my favorite experiences. Looking back a dozen years later I recall that ambitious, young, eager, college graduate embarking on an exciting and life-changing first job. I attended Washington University as a double major in architecture and American history. After the long hours I spent in the studio, spending time in the admission office giving tours, meeting students, and participating in admission presentations was a welcome break. As I realized in my final year of college that I didn't want to pursue a career in architecture, my friends (future colleagues) in the admission office saw an opportunity to encourage me to join the team. Although I didn't attend college with the intention of becoming an admission officer who would ultimately lead a fruitful career in higher eduction, this was one of those occasions in which an indeterminate path led to great future gains. Though I've chosen to stay in higher education for fifteen years, colleagues in the admission office moved in many different directions. The skills we learned in our time as admission counselors arguably had a profound impact on us as professionals.

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