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Recruiting Intelligence

Armchair International Student Recruitment - part 3

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students" (Click here to read the entire book).

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Armchair International Student Recruitment

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students". 

II. Armchair recruiting

Don’t underestimate what you can accomplish from your office in Dubuque, Syracuse or South Bend.  Even if you are chained to your desk, figuratively we hope, you can pursue numerous recruitment strategies with potentially great payoff.  If your institution is just beginning to explore international recruitment, many of these methods can help you wet your feet in the international sector.  Or if your institution has already made inroads in some markets, these methods can help to cultivate additional regions. Let’s begin.


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Creating International Clout: Offering Degree Programs Abroad

Creating brand recognition abroad when there are so many higher education institutions can be an ongoing challenge for universities. Franklin University in Columbus, Ohio has instituted an exciting and novel approach to building brand awareness, spreading its educational message and educating international students who otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity to attain an American degree. At the 2012 NAFSA Region VI Conference three Franklin University leaders presented their exciting on-location international degree programs. A special thank you to Suzie Arehart, Bridget Banaszak and Tamer Khadre for presenting this information.

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College counselors: The education force behind the curtain

High school councelors play a critical role in the decision making process for the college selection process in the United States. They are a trusted advisor who coaches, mentors and directs students and parents. With this in mind, we reviewed the college board's annual reports on "True North - Charting the Course for College and Career Readiness."

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Topics: Insights

Growing Your International Student Population: Sponsored Students

At the recent NAFSA Region VI conference held in Columbus, Ohio I attended a number of interesting and informative sessions. One of the sessions I particularly enjoyed was led by three well-respected and well-versed higher education professionals: Kathy Ice-Wedding (U. of Kentucky), Sandi Lemons (IUPUI) and Daniel Whitmer (Indiana University- Bloomington). Their session titled "Introduction to Working with Sponsored Students" provided a rich array of information that would be helpful to professionals looking to add sponsored students to their international student populations.

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Our Crystal Ball Reveals 2013 Trends: International Student Recruitment

The CollegeBoard provides valuable leading indicators for future trends of student enrollment around the world. With permission from CollegeBoard, we are able to share a few highlights of those future trends based on SAT takers from China and global traffic to the CollegeBoard website. China is a particularly interesting example to examine because of the volume of Chinese students seeking higher education outside the country and because Chinese students must travel outside of China just to take the exam. Unlike international students from other countries who have easier access to the SAT, Chinese students taking the exam are extremely likely to follow through and enroll. They are highly motivated.

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Topics: Insights

Who will educate future college students ,where and how? (Part II)

This is part II of the Ambient Insights, we are going to focus on the expected shifts in the higher education student population in terms of type of institution and learning channels. The presented data is based on Ambient Insight's report 2012 Learning Technology Research Taxonomy, updated in August 2012.

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Topics: Insights

Classroom Instruction: Who Needs It?

Ask Borders Books If You Can Ignore the Growth of Online Instruction
“It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future,” as the quote goes by Yogi Barra & Niels Bohr. We appreciate Ambient Insights' bold predictions and global perspectives on future developments in the education sector. The company provides a rich library of research reports and we have reviewed the publicly available reports. The presented data is based on a report 2012 Learning Technology Research Taxonomy, updated in August 2012.

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Topics: Insights

American universities and their college admissions process are unique

We have developed a unique university and college system as well as a unique admissions process in the United States.  This unique enrollment and application process appears arbitrary, opaque and difficult to master. As a result independent admissions counselors have become a critical intermediary in many countries, not to mention the United States. *For full disclosure, Lisa works as an independent admissions counselor. 

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Chinese Social Media ≠ US Social Media

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Topics: Insights