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Recruiting Intelligence

Beyond Our Borders International Student Recruiting: Visits

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State of the Media: What It Means for Higher Ed

We are experiencing a moment when two technologies and media trends have reached critical mass and are reinforcing each other. Social media and mobile technology are affecting society. Nielsen, a research firm, and Incite, a specialized consumer research consultancy, published the data compendium State of the Media: The Social Media Report 2012. We reviewed this report with both domestic and international student recruitment in mind.

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Topics: Insights

The only report you have to read to understand financial trends in education

The US Treasury Department is keeping an eye on education debt. Why? Most of the debt is guaranteed by the US government and will become a liability for the US taxpayers in case of default. But the recent report considers many more aspects than the implications of debt default. This Treasury report "The Economics of Higher Education" is a very concise and excellent analysis of the current trends. Figure 1 is the graphic representation of what could be the single biggest challenge for US academic institutions. Your customers, students and parents, cannot afford your product and services anymore. Is that where we are heading? We will try to summarize the situation. But before you read further, know that there are a lot of economic factors here with complicating inter-relationships. Some of our readers might just want to skip to the end where we explain why this stuff is important and what it means to our jobs.

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Topics: Insights

Wanted: New friends for the admissions department

Social media is becoming a must-do activity to generate prospects, nurture them through the admissions process and convert them into enrolled students.

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A Marketing Advantage: More Robust and Flexible Student Counseling

CompleteCollege America offers some interesting perspective on why so many U.S. academic institutions are struggling to increase their graduation rates. In its report "Time is the Enemy" the group reveals how the demands of life are shifting priorities and hurting students' abilities to complete their education in a streamlined, timely fashion and earn the degree. The report is focused on public universities in 29 States where their Governors have set a priority of increasing college graduation rates. From the report, we note:

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Topics: Insights

International student recruitment from EducationUSA

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students" (Click here to read the entire book)

EducationUSA offers a whole range of distribution channels to universities, one of which is this  weekly RSS feed with news from universities.

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Global Competition for Students: Canada on the right track

Recruiting international students is a global competition between different academic institutions, but also between different country destinations. The attractiveness of a destination is highly significant among international students' selection criteria - both in terms of which country and which location within that country. ICEF and i-Graduate conduct an annual survey of recruiting agents, which are a great proxy for the trends and demands in the market place for higher education. As chart 1 (below) shows, the U.S. continues to hold a lead in the attractiveness ahead of Canada, the U.K. and Australia.

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Topics: Insights

Intead Creative Engagement Award for Occidental College


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Topics: Marketing

International student recruitment from virtual fairs to webinars

11. Virtual college fairs

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students" (Click here to read the entire book)

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Armchair International Student Recruitment - part 2

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students"

II. Armchair recruiting

Don’t underestimate what you can accomplish from your office in Dubuque, Syracuse or South Bend.  Even if you are chained to your desk, figuratively we hope, you can pursue numerous recruitment strategies with potentially great payoff.  If your institution is just beginning to explore international recruitment, many of these methods can help you wet your feet in the international sector.  Or if your institution has already made inroads in some markets, these methods can help to cultivate additional regions. Let’s begin. 


4. Targeted marketing materials for each international market

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