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Recruiting Intelligence

Avalanche Ahead: Will Your University Be Swept Away

Change is coming to higher education and if you are in its path, you'll be run over. The traditional university is being unbundled. This is one the core theses of this bold and forceful report: An Avalanche is Coming. The authors are Michael Barber, Katelyn Donnelly and Saad Rizvi, all senior education advisors and executives for the education service provider Pearson Corporation. The report makes the case that the next decades could see a golden age of higher education, but only if all players seize the initiative and act ambitiously. We have added a brief video introducing the report by the author below (3 min).

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Topics: Insights

Australia focused on international student enrollment growth

Australia focused on international student enrollment growth

Government and industry in Australia recognize the future economic, political and cultural importance of international student enrollment for the country. They work in tandem to support a broad-based strategy to increase enrollment by 30% by 2020. Let's say that again: 30% growth by 2020!

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Technology & International Student Recruitment: Social Media

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students" (Click here to read the entire book)

#53. Social media

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Selling What Sells: Implementing Responsive Recruiting Strategies

Are you selling what your customers want? And pardon us for using the word "selling" when talking about academic marketing. We realize this word makes folks bristle, to say the least. However, the schools you find yourself marveling at, the ones advancing on the US News and World Report ranking, are the ones with the capacity to grit their teeth and apply hard business criteria to their marketing and sales activities. The school names you often hear bandied about as the market leaders, the ones your leadership reference in meetings saying things like, "Well, X university tripled their international student population in the past 4 years. Why can't we do that?" -- these are the schools that segment their markets and tailor their messages to the customers most likely to buy what they have to sell. Ooooph! Did we just say that?

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Topics: Insights

Technology & International Student Recruitment: Digital Marketing 101

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students" (Click here to read the entire book)

At our core we at Intead are a technology company dedicated to helping universities harness digital solutions for their recruitment and retention needs. Let’s be honest here, we love technology. We have been digital marketers for well over a decade now. And we’d love to encourage our readers (and clients) to better utilize options available today. Digital media offers powerful tools for optimizing your marketing over time based on trackable user behavior. Digital marketers can test and modify their messages to appeal to the right student and their parents. Tracking web traffic from the first unrecognized visit by a prospective student to the final step of enrollment can lead to cost reductions, efficiency gains and result in yield improvements.


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So MOOCs Are Not That Hot After All? Hmmm.

MOOCs are THE hot topic, aren't they? Universities are debating how to respond. We hear amazing numbers of students enrolled.

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Topics: Insights

Beyond Our Borders International Student Recruiting: College Fairs

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students" (Click here to read the entire book)

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The Disappearing Full-Pay Student

University pricing is a complex undertaking for university administrators, students and parents alike. With the increasing reliance on grants and other discounts to draw students, the full-tuition paying student is practically an endangered species.

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Topics: Insights

International Student Recruiting: Overseas Recruiting Offices

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students" (Click here to read the entire book) 

41. Overseas recruiting offices

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International students are searching. Will you pop up?

How does your school do when international students start typing queries into a search engine?

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Topics: Insights