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Recruiting Intelligence

International Student Recruitment in Russia

At the 2013 ICEF Toronto Workshop I had the pleasure of attending several thoughtful sessions. One of those sessions, led by Anna Ryzhova of the Association of Russian Educational Advisors, was particularly useful. For those institutions that are looking to expand recruitment into Russia, understanding how to enter the Russian market is critical. Through our blog we try to give you a deeper knowledge of various markets to help you begin or expand your recruitment efforts.

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International Student Recruitment in Vietnam: Part III

This is the third installment of a three part series. Click here to read Part I or Part II.

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The SAT Drama for Korean International Students Continues

This past weekend further developments unfolded in the Korean SAT debacle. As you may recall widespread cheating caused ETS to cancel the May 2013 SAT exam in Korea. For background information read our recent blog post: May SAT Cancelled- Will It Hurt International Student Recruitment? Earlier in May there was some debate whether the SAT would be given in Korea in June. In the last few days there seem to be some answers coming out of Korea. A Korean colleague notified me that several students were banned from taking the SAT in any country in June. The Korea JoongAng Daily confirmed my colleague's report. Read the article Test Maker Bans Some From Taking June 1 SAT. And the follow-up article: Missing The SATs Can Be Worse Than Taking Them. Even the Wall Street Journal is reporting on the Korean debacle: South Korean SAT Cheating Scandal Continues.

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International Student Recruitment in India

India is the second largest source country for students who are looking to study abroad (China tops the list).   However, the complexion of the study abroad market in India has changed a lot. Ten years ago, the USA and UK were the top destinations, but now we see Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Ireland and other non-traditional destinations like The Netherlands, Sweden, Japan, China and Taiwan all actively wooing Indian students.

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Ten Facts - International Student Recruitment in Vietnam: Part II

This is the second installment of a three part series. Click to read Part I.

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International Student Recruitment in Vietnam: Part I

Vietnam is becoming one of the hot areas for international student recruitment. With a young population, a rising middle class, and a cultural emphasis on education, many more Vietnamese families are considering education abroad for their children. The US is but one player in this burgeoning education abroad momentum. Click here to listen to a recent podcast with Michael Goldberg, Fulbright scholar who spent six months in Vietnam in 2012.

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May SAT Cancelled- Will It Hurt International Student Recruitment?

The internet was a buzz last week due to news that the College Board was cancelling the administration of the May SAT in South Korea. A cheating scandal was unearthed and in an effort to curb widespread cheating (and possibly to punish those involved) the College Board announced that the SAT would not be administered in South Korea in May. There was some debate whether the June test date would be cancelled as well. According to our sources there remains conflicting opinions whether the June test date will be cancelled. As of the publishing of this piece it has not yet formally been cancelled.

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Recruiting international students in Japan - What's the future?

Japan was one of the big economic and political success stories after the second World War. Japan was also one of the big success stories of international student enrollment in the United States. Chart 1 shows the enrollment development of Japanese students growing steadily for 50 years. Chart 2, on the other hand, shows in detail the development during the last five years with Japanese student enrollment declining steadily.  What is happening in Japan? 
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International Student Recruiting: Overseas Recruiting Offices

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students" (Click here to read the entire book) 

41. Overseas recruiting offices

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Armchair International Student Recruitment - part 2

You are reading an excerpt from our e-book "88 Ways to Recruit International Students"

II. Armchair recruiting

Donโ€™t underestimate what you can accomplish from your office in Dubuque, Syracuse or South Bend.  Even if you are chained to your desk, figuratively we hope, you can pursue numerous recruitment strategies with potentially great payoff.  If your institution is just beginning to explore international recruitment, many of these methods can help you wet your feet in the international sector.  Or if your institution has already made inroads in some markets, these methods can help to cultivate additional regions. Letโ€™s begin. 


4. Targeted marketing materials for each international market

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