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Recruiting Intelligence

What's New in Campus Career Services

At Intead we spend most of our time blogging about international student recruitment and marketing and the use of digital solutions to ease those activities. So why are we writing about university career services today? How is your campus career services office connected to your work as an international student recruiter or marketer?

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Brazil: Thoughts on International Student Recruitment

As institutions look to diversify their international student populations, there is considerable interest in entering new markets. Though Brazil has a history of sending students to international institutions throughout the world, as the middle class continues to grow, there is increased potential for international student recruitment within Brazil. Whether your institution is currently recruiting in Brazil or considering making a move toward that country, it's interesting to consider a few factors we discovered.

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Intead Index: Key Publications for International Higher Education Professionals

Here it is. Delivered fresh to your mailbox. Another exciting edition of the Intead Index, one in a series of indices that provides you with all of the information you need to make informed decisions.

We will cover a variety of information sources, marketing and technology services international university admissions and marketing departments purchase or use regularly. We will publish the lists regularly on the blog over the next few months. We will be publishing a compilation of these lists on a yearly basis. While we'd like to think that our research is comprehensive, we know that there might be service providers we inadvertently overlooked. That's where you, our loyal readers, come into the picture.  We welcome your comments and additions to the lists. Feel free to use the provided link to share your feedback. 

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Hey Admission Officers: What You Might Have Missed Over the Last Few Months

If you are a regular reader of this blog you might have noticed how I fondly reminisce about my experience as an admission counselor. I spent three years working at my alma mater, Washington University in St. Louis. This was my first real job so the experience was pivotal in shaping me as a budding professional. I can appreciate firsthand how the last few months have been an utter whirlwind for admission counselors. From a winter spent in the depths of file reading to a spring spent trying to enroll all of the admitted students, there has been little time to breathe, let alone spend time reading this blog. So today I want to point out some blog posts you might have missed over the last few months.

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Two Ways to Increase International Admissions Productivity

Would you like to increase your accessibility to prospective international students?  Would you like to increase your own productivity? We will show you two ways to be more accessible to students in a controlled and organized way.  

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Intead Index: LinkedIn Groups for International Higher Education

We'd like to proudly introduce a new content source for you-- Intead Index-- a set of indices that provides you with all of the information you need to make informed decisions. We will cover a variety of information sources, marketing and technology services international university admissions and marketing departments purchase or use regularly. We will publish the lists regularly on the blog over the next few months. We will be publishing a compilation of these lists on a yearly basis for you to download and share with your team. While we'd like to think that our research is comprehensive, we know that there might be service providers we inadvertently overlooked. That's where you, our loyal readers, come into the picture.  We welcome your comments and additions to the lists. Feel free to use the provided link to share your feedback. 

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Is International Student Recruitment a Waste of Money for your College?

Internationalization of universities, including international student recruitment is receiving a great deal of attention in many universities. We want to discuss whether universities are wasting money with international recruiting activities. 

First of all, we have to answer the basic question: why are you recruiting international students?

These are the two primary reasons: increase diversity on campus and increase the tuition revenue base. These two reasons may lead to very different answers to the question of whether international student recruitment is a worthwhile endeavor for your institution.

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It's All About What OTHERS Say About You

Here at Intead we don't spend a lot of time tooting our own horn. We're so busy implementing client projects while analyzing trends in international higher education recruiting and marketing, digital marketing and social media, there's little time for patting ourselves on the back. Let alone shouting our succeses from the rafters.  

Your work, like ours, is important stuff. And all that stuff is valued by the folks we reach, our target audiences: the students, researchers, and other industry professionals who benefit from what our organizations do. These are our customers.

So when good customer feedback happens, we have the opportunity to use it as objective justification for the value of our work. Testimonials represent authentic, reliable and sharable content to let our customers hear the message: "Hey, these guys met my needs; exceeded my expectations."

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Building Cultural Bridges--Lessons from the Preeminent Expert!

Building bridges between cultures and achieving cultural connectedness has been simplified through technology. What once required face-to-face meetings and books on the subject can now be achieved through the power of video and social media.

Many of us work to engage international students and connect with them in a way that feels familiar, comfortable and culturally relevent, but none of us are doing it in quite the creative and talented way as Jessica Beinecke. As the creator of Crazy Fresh Chinese and BaiJie Lalala, Ms. Beinecke is a well known celebrity among Chinese teenagers and young adults for the way in which she explains American popular culture in a relatable, entertaining way. And we are proud to announce that Ms. Beinecke will be joining us as a keynote speaker at the 2014 Intead Global Marketing Conference.  

Watch this VIDEO to learn more about Ms. Beinecke: 

Register by April 18 and save $290  

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Recruiting Students with Video? Lessons from Khan Academy

Video is a powerful force. In our marketing work we encounter the force of video every day. FACT: The second largest search engine in the world after Google: YouTube.

A personal experience, much to my chagrin: my son wants to learn how to tie a necktie. Does he ask me? No! He simply consults YouTube.  

One more example, my son's high school teacher has a meeting outside of school and he will miss a lesson. This teacher does not believe in the quality of the substitute for his high level math class. He selects a set of videos on YouTube with lectures on high level math and provides questions to answer. Online video content supplants human teaching in this case.

That gets us to our Intead Insight review of: "Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools." The research was conducted by SRI and the Gates Foundation to understand the outcomes of using Khan Academy videos as teaching tools. 

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