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Recruiting Intelligence

Is Your Content Functional but Vibeless?


So, my oldest child joined us for dinner out the other night. She dressed with her usual flair, all yellow and brown this time. And she ordered herself a drink to match – some cocktail concoction that apparently took a cue from her hues. I had never ordered a drink to match my look before, so I asked her what I should get. Her response: "Dad, I have no idea. Your look is functional but vibeless – jeans with a black fleece. How about a Miller Lite?" 

Absolutely loved that line: functional but vibeless. How common is that situation in the marketing/communications world? Consider all of the functional but vibeless emails we receive. You probably can’t consider them. They’re all just so forgettable.  

Our next opportunity to meet! 
NAFSA Region XI, Hartford, CT, Oct 27-29. The Intead team will be there presenting on Admission Process Analysis, Marketing Data Analytics, and Marketing Study Abroad with university partners from our New England region friends from Quinnipiac, Johnson and Wales, Clark, and Emerson. Practical strategies and creative tactics to hit your enrollment targets.  Hope to see you there! 

The Resource Center for Industry Insiders 
Take your challenge of the day and plop it into our search bar. With 800+ publications and our 15 years of weekly blogging, you will find relevant content on any topic important to enrollment management and student recruiting.  Valuable perspective and data on topics you care about. From agent-university partnerships to predictive modeling and CRM efficiency, to new market development, our Resource Center has you covered. Check it out.

Examples of what we mean:

→ Dear inquiring student, 

Thank you so much for submitting your application. We note you are still missing one document. Blah, blah, blah…our deadline is approaching. 

Thanks, Vibeless University Admissions Team 


→ Dear admitted student, 

Let us introduce you to all of the really great student associations you could join here at Vibeless U! When you arrive, you should look into one. Oh, and here’s a fun picture … 

Sincerely, Vibeless University Admissions Team 

All function, no form, low response rate, immediately forgotten. Instantly deletable. 

Taking time, tapping consumer insights from your current students, injecting creativity, tracking the metrics to figure out what works, what converts. These are the activities that produce results. These are the activities that will share your institution’s true vibe far and wide. 

Every communication you have with students and prospective students, matters. It’s how you connect with them. Correction: It’s how you stay connected. Retention is as important as recruitment.

Today, we offer the three golden rules to creating a lead nurturing campaign that’s got the function you need and that all important vibe. We think this post will be really helpful for your team members tasked with the nuts-and-bolts details of your institution’s prospective student outreach.

Important to communicating vibe: the order you present your messaging matters by region and student type. Is affordability your first hook? Career opportunity? Environmental justice? Academic prowess? All important content areas. Different student segments will click on one or another topic at different points in their decision-making process. THAT is what consumer insight research confirms for you as you use your content to improve application rates and yield.

Share this one with the right folks on your team and, read on 

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The Resource Center Every Enrollment Leader Needs


It could be the rush to diversify student recruitment markets. Or the need for tech tools and processes to bring the student journey into the AI era. Or maybe it’s to simply find marketing insights and cultural nuances for a specific region or country. More often than not, it has to do with needing to build internal support for your global student recruiting plans. Whatever the reasons, all we know is our digital content is flying off our virtual shelves.  

Because of the rush – downloads from our site are up 41% year over year – we thought it a good idea to pause our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this important message: Intead has a digital Resource Center enrollment leaders and practitioners tap every day as they consider next steps and start their research.  

Our next opportunity to meet is THIS WEEK! 
Join Ben and Virginia Commonwealth University SIO Jill Blondin on Aug. 1 at 2 p.m. at the EducationUSA Forum as they share insights on Navigating Budget Challenges in International Recruitment: Practical Strategies for Every Phase.  Find them in Salon F. Hope to see you there!

Our publishing goes far beyond simply reporting. When we write and edit, we first ask ourselves: 

  • Does the content bring value to our community, or is it simply self-promotion?  
  • Can we make our insights more actionable for our readers?  
  • Can our readers use our content to formulate, articulate, and justify their student recruitment plans? 
Based on the user click rates, we appear to be doing better than just OK.   

For the uninitiated, our growing library currently houses more than 800 pieces of content relevant to the work you do every day. Think ebooks, case studies, conference slides, actionable one-pagers, podcasts, webinars, and more. It’s built on Intead’s 15+ years of publishing on the topics you care about and our ability to predict the future. 

For enrollment leaders, and those aspiring to be, we offer management perspective on budget development, staffing structures, team management, technology implementation and more. 

Some of our Resource Center users know exactly what they are looking for and they type it into the search bar. Others use our handy checkbox options to quickly filter their search: 

  • Agents 
  • Alumni 
  • Digital Marketing 
  • International Student Recruitment 
  • International Students 
  • Market Research 
  • Non-Traditional Students 
  • Persona 
  • Predictive Modeling 
  • Social Media  
  • Technology 

We also offer deep, well-researched insights on student recruiting in key countries and regions: 

  • Africa 
  • Brazil 
  • Central America
  • China 
  • Colombia 
  • Ecuador
  • Europe 
  • India 
  • Kenya 
  • Latin America 
  • Middle East 
  • South Africa 
  • South America 
  • South Asia 
  • Southeast Asia 
  • US 
  • Vietnam

Search by keyword, topic, region, or category. It couldn’t be easier. 

Sound valuable? (We welcome your feedback. Oh, and those notes we get from readers telling us how they used one piece or another to push forward…love that!)

Click here for direct access to our Resource Center page 

You’ll find a good amount of our content is available for free. Some, however, is for our Intead Plus members only. Our members have access to a range of team training tools, webinars, ebooks, and slide decks that required significant effort on our part to put together -- the kind of stuff we use to guide our clients. These pieces offer even more value to our readers. 

And, if you’re curious what your peers are downloading lately (and who isn’t?!), read on… 

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Finding the 'I' in Team - And other retreat reflections

Not to brag, but Intead is a pretty great place to work. When the team gathered at an all-day retreat earlier this fall, I was reminded why I love what I do. I work with some really interesting and insightful people. And the work we choose to engage in is something I’m so proud of.

While Ben and Iliana are presenting at NACAC in Baltimore this week, I'm stepping into the Intead blog to offer some perspective on how you might step back from your day to day and apply some big picture thinking. The Intead team invested some serious and playful energy in a full day off-site retreat to push us all forward. 

I know this tale sounds familiar, so let me back up and be clear as to why it’s anything but, I’m new(ish) here as the marketing communications director, but definitely not new to student-focused marketing or team dynamics.

When you engage with a team that clicks, you know. This is one of those. And our clients notice it, too.

The retreat, led by our fearless leader, who you absolutely do know (Ben, of course!), was an immediate and personal introduction to all the internal members, even those streaming into our Boston-area event from Portugal and India. Until the retreat, I hadn’t actually yet had a chance to sit in one room with everyone on our international marketing team all at once. I’m so glad we took the time to do it. 

It’s amazing how easily the banter flowed regardless of distance. Having worked at tech start-ups and large marketing agencies with global presence alike, I know it requires special effort to make distance and valuable communication work. But here, it’s clear that people are the priority, which makes connecting so much easier and genuinely enjoyable. If you’ve worked with us, then you know just what I mean. And if you haven’t, let us show you!  

The retreat gave us each time, space, and encouragement to explore how we tackle business challenges as individuals as well as a collective. And yes, some of the “business” problems involved linguini and marshmallow. But we got real, too.

Read on for a couple of salient strategic growth recommendations around points of tangency and infinite games. Yes, this relates to your work in enrollment management.

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Enrollment Staff Structure: Free Download

Let’s be honest. We’re not all people people. And we’re not all data nerds. Or content creators. The point: we need a team with varied talents to cover all the tasks required to run a successful enrollment management process.

One of the common areas we explore with our clients (it also comes up during conference discussions frequently): “What is the best staffing structure for student recruitment and enrollment processes?” And we have some basic analysis available to help you get this conversation started in your own shop.

To help your team (read: provost and VP of finance) understand why you need the full complement of skills, we’ve developed an at-a-glance info sheet that shows the skill sets needed at each phase of the admissions funnel. It’s pretty interesting to approach it from this perspective. And it’s pretty important that you do.

We’ll be presenting our enrollment staffing perspective as part of a session at the AGB (Association of Governing Boards) conference this April in San Diego with Brad Farnsworth, principal of Fox Hollow Advisory and former senior VP at American Council on Education, and Gretchen Bataille, president of GMB Consulting Group who also served in leadership roles at University of North Texas, University of North Carolina system, and at American Council on Education. University trustees and presidents gather every year at AGB to identify best practices for growth.

We’ll also be presenting with Karin Fischer, senior writer at Chronicle of Higher Education, and Ahmad Ezzeddine, vice president of academic student affairs and global engagement at Wayne State University, at the AIEA conference in DC in February. If you’d like to meet at either of these events, please drop us a note.

The annoying answer to the question about staffing structure is: “It depends.”

That's also a legit answer because institutions fall into different categories. As a simple example, consider an institution seeking an incoming class of 1,000 students vs another seeking 10,000 students. These institutions clearly need different reporting structures to process different volumes of marketing recruiting and inquiry nurturing, much less application processing and student orientation.

Nevertheless, there are common skills needed, from people skills to data crunching skills. And with enrollment offices typically run by an efficient crew (read that as skeleton teams) most staff are expected to wear many (or all) the hats: marketer, analyst, tech guru, travel agent, career counselor, social butterfly, academic genie, social media manager, digital marketer, and even coffee maker.

Sound familiar at your institution? Even if a Venn diagram from the latest psychological assessment shows your team of two (or four) has significant overlap among disparate personality traits, it’s impossible to create the kind of student cohort your institution aims for by asking just a few people to do it all.

We see it all the time. And it’s tough because no institution has all the resources they need. But the smart ones know how to build the right staff structure and partner relationships that will yield great results.

Our enrollment staff structure info sheet will be available for free to our blog subscribers for a limited time. Or, join Intead Plus and your team can access this and all our other Intead Index student recruitment essentials any time the need arises (annual budgeting, new team member training, etc.).

To get your free “International Enrollment from a Marketer’s Point of View,” read on.

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Global School Start Calendar — Free Download

In what month do students in Brazil graduate high school? How about China? Are they the same? Germany and France must be on the same schedule though, right?

Out of the top 29 countries sending international students out into the world, 11 of them have academic years starting in September and ending in June. Eighteen others don’t. And, no, German and French school calendars are not aligned.

Knowing when to reach prospective students is as important as knowing where to reach them. And when your audience is spread across the globe, school admissions and matriculation timing is anything but consistent.

This is important information to your student recruitment team if they are going to reach those students with the right information at the right time. Handy to have a cheatsheet with that information at your fingertips, right?

That’s why we’ve created the Global School Start Calendar featuring 29 top-sending countries. Knowing what drives your international students' planning plays into your recruitment and admissions messaging and timing.

This cheat sheet gives you at-a-glance dates and other relevant reference points for:

  • Secondary academic calendars
  • University academic calendars
  • Major academic exam dates
  • Perspective on student recruitment campaign launch dates

An important side note: Because dates change all the time, as do undergrad exam requirements, we will be updating this resource as appropriate. And, since you are part of the global student recruitment community, we more than welcome your input and updates to this reference tool.

If you see any information that has recently changed or want additional details added, please let us know. We want this tool to be really useful and can use our crowdsourced community’s help to keep it current.

This cheat sheet will be available for free to blog subscribers for a limited time. Or, join Intead Plus and your team can access this and all our other Intead Index student recruitment essentials any time the need arises.

Ready to download your free copy of our Global School Start cheat sheet? Read on

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Recruiting Intel Digest: The Most Useful Stuff from Q2 2022

…and that’s a wrap for Q2 ‘22. While personally there were a few bumps along the way (thanks Covid for yanking #NAFSA2022 out from under me!), overall, the industry’s mood is decidedly improved over this time last year. Cautiously so, anyway.

Recent news we are following says that language programs are starting to recover from huge pandemic losses. Middle Eastern adults/executives are showing up first. As we know, language programs often act as canaries in the coal mine falling or rising in advance of fuller degree/certificate programs.

We bet you likely didn’t catch all of our posts this spring, admissions season being what it is – busy. Not to worry, we’ve compiled a few we think you won’t want to miss. Read on for our quarterly recap of the most valuable news from Q2 2022 and the Intead resources available to you.

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Recruiting Intel Digest: The Most Useful Stuff from Q1 2022

The first quarter of 2022 dealt its fair share of surprises, and then some. The pandemic loosened its grip (for the time being). Northern Europe was thrust into a war. These events are deeply personal and deeply tied to our everyday work in higher education. And then there were the everyday surprises courtesy of another enrollment and budget planning season. Still, the world kept turning and we kept acting on the opportunities we see for improvement in everything we are able to touch.

In the midst of all this, you may have missed a few of our top posts. No matter! We’re here to point you in the right direction. Read on for our quarterly recap of the most valuable stuff from Q1 2022 and the Intead resources available to you.

And, if you’ll be attending the NAFSA 2022 in Denver (May 31-June 3), be in touch so we can set aside time for a coffee and exchange of ideas. We’ll have 4 NAFSA presentations all covering different aspects of global recruiting. One of them has been selected by NAFSA for live-stream to give more folks access to the amazing panel that includes Benedict College, Clark University, and CIEE. More on that in the coming weeks.

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Recruiting Intel Digest: The Most Useful Stuff from Q4 2021

Wrapping up 2021 was no easy feat. We’ve seen student enrollment numbers fall, rise, and flatten with the evolving worldwide pandemic that is COVID-19. More than a few in our field are burned out and trying hard to muster the energy to figure out how to bring their students the best experience possible.

We’re right there with you, wherever you are. Time to turn our focus to what we’ve learned from our recent experiences. Settle in for a Q4 wrap up of the info that can help you shape your 2022-23 plans. From strategy to tactics like chatbots and student recruitment platforms we know all of this will be up your ally.

Read on for our quarterly recap of Intead resources available to you — Q4, all in one place.
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Recruiting Intel Digest: The Most Useful Stuff from Q3 2021

No quiet summer here--things have only sped up this quarter as institutions recalibrated their approaches to the ongoing hurdles and opportunities of the pandemic. With innovative thinking and disciplined strategy, your colleagues are tackling the big issues of the fall and considering how to adapt for spring and fall 2022. Today’s post points you to some of the high-performance best practices we’ve shared over the past 3 months to help during these times of uncertainty. 

So, grab a cup of coffee and before you finish it, we know you’ll be sharing links from this Q3 2021 wrap up with your enrollment team and colleagues with the power to make positive change for students around the world.

Read on for our quarterly recap of Intead resources available to you — all in one place. Plus, a preview of what’s coming next. But first:

PARTICIPATE AND LEARN: Opportunities up stay current and up your game:

  • October 5, NAFSA All-Region Summit Session: UMBC and Intead present “0-60 Internationalization” — Register HERE.
  • October 12, AIRC hosted Webinar: Technion Israel Institute of Technology and Intead present “Shifting Student Perspectives: Digital Marketing Now” — Free to AIRC members and $45 for non-members. Register HERE. (If your institution is not an AIRC member, hit us up for a code and we'll see about getting you past the velvet ropes.)
  • IIENetworker fall issue publishes Intead’s 2021 market research on Indian and Chinese student mobility. See below for a link to the magazine full of insights.
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What About the Numbers?

Astute readers of last week’s blog post about creating an international student recruitment strategic plan would have noticed the lack of results data. With this post, we take a look at the numbers for the three institutions discussed: SUNY, SNHU, and Full Sail University. To round out today’s analysis, we added to the mix: Green River College, Kent State University, and University of Cincinnati.

A results analysis cannot look at numbers alone. So many factors play a role in the success of any marketing effort over time. And when that marketing effort is global, well, being attentive and nimble is critical.

Having on the ground intel is so important. Having people to rely on who “get it” is so important. Having a sound marketing strategy is only as valuable as your ability to execute (see our recent post about Marketing Culture for valuable insights).

Upcoming opportunities to learn:

  • October 5, NAFSA All-Region Summit: UMBC and Intead present “0-60 Internationalization” NAFSA Registration Link
  • October 12, AIRC hosted Webinar: Technion Israel Institute of Technology and Intead present “Shifting Student Perspectives: Digital Marketing Now” AIRC Registration Link

Today, we will focus on some VERY interesting numbers – international student enrollment and the economic impact (thank you IIE and NAFSA). We will also consider:

  • The people: few teams stand the test of time (cue Carole King’s “So Far Away” #ShowingMyAge)
  • The environment: the pandemic wreaks havoc for everyone (well, almost everyone)

We really think you will want to read on.

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