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Recruiting Intelligence

Recruiting Students from Indonesia

Recruiting Students from Indonesia

As we monitor our changing political landscape and the far reaching impact of U.S. executive orders, we watch for developments in emerging markets and opportunities to diversify your student recruitment. This week, we are exploring the current status of the Indonesian market and looking at highlights from a study on the underlying motivations driving Indonesian students to study in the U.S.

With so many other Asian countries stealing the spotlight, we find that Indonesia doesn’t always get the recognition it deserves as a growing market for student recruitment. Securing a place in the top 25 undergraduate recruitment markets, as well as showing significant growth in the number of non-degree seeking students, it is worth a look. Still, as with all Muslim majority recruitment destinations, addressing visa questions and other concerns will prove key to your recruitment success…  

Fittingly, we will be discussing these concerns – and strategies for overcoming them – at NAFSA in just a few weeks. We hope that you will attend our sessions (we have 4 presentation times) and take a look at our latest research results. Email us to set up a meeting time in LA: info@intead.com

In the meantime, we invite you to read on to explore the possibilities in Indonesia as a recruitment destination…

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Quick Tips for Building Effective Landing Pages

Maximizing Your Student Lead Conversion

According to Hubspot, 55% of visitors spend less than 15 seconds on your website. That isn’t much time, so you will have to make the most of it—that’s where we come in.

This week we focus on some basic digital marketing tips. We are bringing you a selection of landing page design and content approaches to increase conversion rates—the essential tools for effectively recruiting prospective students online. Landing pages can help you effectively drive visitors to fill out information capture forms or guide them to the most relevant section of your website. Well-designed landing pages can increase your chances of turning visitors into leads, and converting those leads into enrolled students.

Hit your target audiences with key, search optimized information and relevant offers; make the search easier for them, and the chance of conversion is higher for you.

This digital marketing lingo may be a bit intense for some of our academic readers. Chances are there is someone on your staff charged with making your website and your digital marketing work really well together. That person would really appreciate it if you sent them this post. It might simply confirm that they have their act together, or it might spark a few new ideas. And if that person is you, read on to get our take on how a strong landing page will increase your lead conversion rates.

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Your Global Alumni as International Student Recruiters

Student perceptions ARE their reality.

We are all facing growing concern about the flow of Indian students (and other international students) to the US as a study destination. We are hearing their concerns about US visa and H-1B processes. While the new US administration has not made any real policy changes for Indian students, perceptions have changed. Many Indian students are perceiving that a U.S. education is less accessible and the door to US job opportunities is closing.

Are we up to the task of changing these perceptions? Are we able to reassure Indian, and other international students, that the educations US institutions provide continue to represent tremendous value and advanced career opportunities?

Ironically, one of the most powerful assets your institution has is also often one of the most under-utilized. As an institution, you already have a built-in network of loyal advocates who are, more than likely, already doing your promotional work for you. They are willing, eager and well positioned to talk about the value of your institution: your global alumni network.

The question is: have you made effective use of this key advantage?

We’ll be talking about using alumni and other international student recruiting tactics at NAFSA in LA next month. We hope you’ll take a moment to schedule a meeting with us if you are attending, too. Let us share our latest jaw-dropping research with you.

Read on for a set of essential tips and techniques for making effective use of your alumni network to recruit international students, around the country and around the world.

(Pro Tip: share this post with your Alumni Office.)

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Peru: Student Recruiting Challenges and Opportunities

As our global political and economic climate continues to shift, we are always looking for new areas of growth for U.S. international student recruitment. Recently we’ve written about recruiting in Chile and Colombia, so it is of particular interest to us that the Peruvian middle class outspends both countries on education—and the market is showing signs of growth.

Did you know that the new Peruvian government, elected in 2016, has committed to becoming a bilingual country? While opening opportunities through bilingual education, the Peruvian government is also offering scholarships to help students break down the financial barriers to international study.

Bottom Line: As with any country, recruiting in Peru has its challenges—both cultural and economic, but last year alone, the number of students coming to the U.S. from Peru grew faster than any other country in Central or South America. The students are increasingly bilingual and have access to government-funded scholarship opportunities. The interest is there. It is now the job of U.S. institutions to step-up student recruitment efforts in the face of strengthening ties between Peru and the EU, as well as other Latin American nations.

Have we piqued your interest? Read on for recommendations for recruiting international students from Peru…

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The Wait is Over—Get to “Know Your Neighborhood,” Today!

Given the dramatic changes in today’s political and economic climate, we know there is one question weighing heavily on your mind—how will this affect my international student recruitment?

Last year, 40,000+ prospective international students told us what they thought, and now we are ready to share their insight with you. Along with some concrete marketing recommendations.

This week, we are excited to announce the release of our latest research, compiling all of the insights gained in our 2016 Know Your Neighborhood survey launched in partnership with FPPEDUMedia.  

By now, you may have heard one of our key insights—60% of the 40,000 students said they would be less likely to study in the U.S. under a Trump presidency. News outlets took notice. Our research was cited in The Chronicle of Higher Education, The New York Times and on NPR’s Marketplace, among other publications —but have you read about our other findings?

We uncovered valuable insights about the impact of economic factors including currency exchange rates, personal finances, and scholarship availability. What does this information mean for your enrollment marketing strategies? Only one way to find out—read on to explore these factors in detail and download the full report.

40,000+ prospective studentsthat's a lot of intelligent minds—aren’t you curious? We were. 

Our Know Your Neighborhood 2017 report is written and designed specifically for enrollment marketing teams. Use our insights into student influencers, motivators, goals, and behaviors to tailor your international enrollment marketing and improve yield. 

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NAFSA Does It Again—This is Good.

Each week we strive to bring unique insights in the field of international student recruitment directly to your inbox. This week we are excited to announce the release of a key industry publication.

This month, NAFSA has released the 3rd Edition of the best-selling book, NAFSA’s Guide to International Student Recruitment. This cutting-edge work brings together insights from key leaders in the field and covers topics ranging from overcoming human resource constraints, to effective use of strategic marketing and recruitment travel, to measuring return on investment in international recruitment.

Editor Jessica B. Sandberg, Director of International Admissions at Temple University, whose editorial skill and leadership brought together the insights of major industry experts into one cohesive publication, contributes her own essential insights in Chapter 12: Recruiting International Students at U.S. High Schools.

Read on to purchase your copy from NAFSA.

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Challenges for Recruiting International Students from Mexico

A little while back (after the U.S. election), we shared a blog post titled “So, How Do We Market U.S. Higher Ed to the World Now?” One of the most staggering facts we mention is the number of students from Mexico who stated they would be less likely to study in the U.S. in the case of a Donald Trump presidency. This number was 80% of those surveyed! 

With responses like that, many of us in this field are left wondering what the recruiting climate in Mexico looks like now. How can we address the ambivalence, insecurity or downright dislike many Mexican students and their families feel about studying in the U.S.?

Bottom Line: Political situations always impact recruitment efforts. In the aftermath of the U.S. election, you can expect some negative repercussions for student recruitment in Mexico. Be prepared to reassure prospective students in Mexico. Continue to focus the points that make your institution’s culture different than anywhere else, but add extra emphasis to the topic of safety and the welcoming environment your institution offers. For graduate students, remember to talk about how your institution can help them further their career. Use your current students as authentic representatives. Don’t ignore the significant issues but emphasize the success stories.

The results of our 2016 Know Your Neighborhood: Economic and Political Pressures on International Students Report will be released next month. The report is based on the results of the FPPEDUMedia and Intead 2016 survey to 1.2 Million international students. 

Read on to learn more about the recruiting landscape in Mexico and ways you can reach these prospective students.

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Campus Diversity, Cultural Competency and International Students

Dr. Carlos Cortés has had an amazing career and tells a great story. He was one of our keynote speakers at our International Student Recruitment Bootcamp back in January and we’ve captured the best parts of his talk here in an 18-minute podcast.

Along with a great talk and discussion over dinner, everyone who attended received a signed copy of his book Rose Hill: An Intermarriage Before Its Time. This was a treat. And now we can share it with all of you.

Dr. Cortés addressed campus diversity and cultural competency issues from a unique perspective. And he asked us all to consider some provocative questions that are hot issues on campus today. How do we evaluate our desire for freedom of speech when students are fighting to squelch offensive speech? And what does this mean for the integration of international students who are learning English as a second language?

Take a listen to his fascinating talk. You’ll be glad you did.

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Turbulence in Turkey: Opportunity for Student Recruitment

Turkey has been in the news a lot recently, and not for the best reasons. Political uncertainty plagues the country and the country’s foreign relations. From an international student recruiting point of view, this is a market where parents truly value education. And, Turkish students continue to seek English language courses and education abroad. Is your marketing approach able to adapt to this changing market niche?

Bottom Line: Stay flexible in uncertain times. As political climates begin to shift and foreign relations appear unstable, it is essential to focus on your relationships with agents and reassure your markets. In particular, in Turkey, local networks are vital to success. Creating strong bonds with agents and other student recruiting channels in the country can help your institution connect directly with the whole family.

Read on for a more perspective on current events and a few tips on recruiting options that might work for your institution in Turkey.

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Consider Niche Chinese Markets for International Student Recruiting

We all know there is no “one-size-fits-all” marketing (that would be too easy). You adjust your approach by country, right?

But in the US, would you market your institution the same way in Southern California and Texas? How about in Brooklyn?

Turns out, China is a big country too (surprise). And in a huge market like China, there can be a temptation to lower your strategic standards and provide the same marketing material to every prospective Chinese student. We’ve talked about segmentation often. To get the right students to your campus, you have to focus on niche markets with the right messaging.

Segmentation is especially important to small institutions with no brand recognition abroad. So, today we are talking about China’s second and third tier cities, and how you can leverage your brand in these harder to get to places. (Actually, many of them are on high speed rail and have reasonable flight schedules now.)

Bottom Line: Segmentation ensures that the right information gets to the right audience. In China, the criteria for a destination country varies depending on student academic interest. Additionally, a student’s academic level impacts the type of information they desire. Finding the right Chinese students for your campus involves tailoring information to targets and strengthening your relationship with agents. Agent management systems that reward success are essential to finding the right students and maintaining your institution’s reputation.

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