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Recruiting Intelligence

Online Education = it's a global thing

Mary Meeker has become well-known and lauded for her annual PowerPoint. This year is no different. Her 164-page PowerPoint on key global internet and technology trends is a treasure trove. Mary's information helps us show you more about the trends that will affect your university marketing. As you know, your customers are early adopters and they drive these trends. We all fear falling behind as technology advances. Don't get caught off guard. Read on...

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Intead's Other Blog: Intead Insights

Thank you for your continued support of our Intead Recruiting Intelligence blog. As we so frequently recount, we are perpetual students; we thrive on conducting research, sharing trends and highlighting new developments in international education. Did you know that in addition to this blog that you are reading, we also publish another weekly blog called Intead Insights? Read on to learn more about what Intead Insights features and why you might be interested in subscribing to that blog as well.

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What's New in Campus Career Services

At Intead we spend most of our time blogging about international student recruitment and marketing and the use of digital solutions to ease those activities. So why are we writing about university career services today? How is your campus career services office connected to your work as an international student recruiter or marketer?

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Cosmetology Bigger Than Business Programs, Really?

Google is a powerful force in all of our lives. Searching for a education options is no exception. So, what can search trends can tell us about our area of work? Google shares a quarterly report on the latest search trends in education. We'll share the highlights. 

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How Many Reps Do You Need to Cover the World?

Worldwide student recruitment is a big task. We wonder: how many representatives do you need to be successful? What is the ideal number of internal and external international student recruiters?

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The Intead Index - Book of Lists Has Arrived!

Hot off the digital presses: It's the Intead Index: Book of Lists.

Our expert researchers have gathered the information we wish we had when we were working in admissions offices.

We've spent time evaluating, comparing and then compiling the results. We do this to help you make informed decisions as you scale your international student enrollment.

  • Social media tools to help you manage a multi-country campaign
  • Tour provider comparisons
  • International educator associations listed
  • Lead generators compared
  • Linked In groups listed

All of these, and more. We are comparing the tools used by some of the most successful institutions. We've gathered information from many sources including administrators who have traveled this path and expanded their international student populations by 100% or more.

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Online Teaching Implementation: Tuition & Marketing

Online learning is becoming integral part of teaching and education. We recently covered the impact of Khan Academy (Insight: Recruiting Students with Video: Lessons from Khan Academy), today we are looking at how public universities cope with that challenge and opportunity. We selected a report from American Association of State Colleges (AASCU) and Learninghouse, called Online Learning at Public Universities a new path to a degree, addressing the implementation of online teaching at universities. 

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Powerful Images for International Student Recruitment

We have entered the season in which we become fully entrenched in deep thoughts on learning and growing, living and celebrating. There will be memorable moments shared by families throughout the world. It is graduation season, a time when we review accomplishments of the past and look towards future achievements. Celebrated college graduation speakers often draw upon quotes of earlier orators and authors. Those very best life lessons are distilled into brilliant quotes for future generations to share and appreciate. We at Intead would like to commend all recent graduates, as well as the individuals who are called upon to give the commencement addresses. Our passion for education runs deep; we celebrate and promote education everyday on our site Why Education Matters

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Hunger for Higher Ed: Trending Up...for Some

By 2025, the Lumina Foundation wants to announce: Mission Accomplished!

They want to announce that 60% of Americans are obtaining a college degree, certificate or other high quality post-secondary credential. Hey, MOOCS, do you think that you will count?   

We have admired for many years the single, focused mission of this foundation. This month, Lumina published its report "a stronger nation through higher education." It's not only a beautifully prepared report and website, but we love the message and data provided to all of us.  

Lumina Foundation CEO Jamie Merisotis, a relentless advocate for education, says, "we see even more encouraging signs - unmistakable signals that the need, the hunger for education is stronger than ever." He quotes that three of four Americans believe that a postsecondary degree or credential is important to attaining a better quality of life, while fully 90% believe it's important for the nation to increase college attainment rates. We second that. 

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Brazil: Thoughts on International Student Recruitment

As institutions look to diversify their international student populations, there is considerable interest in entering new markets. Though Brazil has a history of sending students to international institutions throughout the world, as the middle class continues to grow, there is increased potential for international student recruitment within Brazil. Whether your institution is currently recruiting in Brazil or considering making a move toward that country, it's interesting to consider a few factors we discovered.

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