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Recruiting Intelligence

Korean Student Recruitment: Using Webtoons for Marketing

Yaeri Kim, our summer guest blogger, uses this article to introduce webtoons, the intersection of traditional comic strips with internet technology. Webtoons' popularity in Korea makes them an exciting way to infuse a new digital engagement tool in your digital and social media marketing campaigns.

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Will Your Student Fair Provider Deliver Value This Recruiting Season?

Recruiting tours, fairs and the associated travel expenses are some of the biggest line items in an institution's recruiting budget. Given the investment of time and money to achieve student recruiting goals through travel, we hear the same great questions every year related to this topic. How do you know if you're getting the most bang for your buck in terms of recruitment travel? This is article is part one of two on this subject.

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Stressing the Social in Brazilian Social Media, Part II

There are few countries that can rival Brazil's devotion to social media. In our recent blog article Stressing the Social in Brazilian Social Media, Part I, we reviewed the main sites used by Brazilians and the connection between the social nature of Brazilians and their love for social media. Part II of this series focuses on Brazilians' preferences for social media messaging.

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Storytelling in Overseas Student Marketing

What does storytelling have to do with overseas student marketing? How can improved storytelling help institutional marketing teams to improve their international student recruitment strategies? Paul Jensen, Weber Shandwick's President of Corporate Practice in North America brought these topics to life.

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Stressing the Social in Brazilian Social Media, Part I

The phrase, “Brazilians are the most social people in the world” is frequently used by internet executives. According to the research conducted by Nielsen, Brazil is one of the top three nations with the highest number of users of social networks in the world. How might this inform you international student recruitment strategy in Brazil?

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Mobile to Global in Overseas Student Recruitment

Mobile might be the single most important word in technology, digital marketing, and overseas student recruitment. What you don't know about mobile CAN hurt you.

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Is Education Losing the PR War?

As admissions officers and higher education marketers, we are out there "selling," "marketing," and "explaining" our institutions and services. We are all committed to the value of education. Most of us appreciate the environment and respect the act of learning. University academic staff liked college so much that they never left school!  But what is happening around us?   We are selling into an environment that does not necessarily prioritize education for the sake of education, but is rightly looking for a preparation for life with a focus on professionalism. 

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479 Out of Office Messages = Many Frequent Flyer Miles

Do you watch your frequent flyer status? To be honest I do, too.  I like free flights. And it helps to have status for early boarding and luggage perks as airlines have gotten so stingy and charge for bathroom visits (no, they haven't come up with that one...yet).  For this blog, I have selected a few services that can make your travel easier.

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Successful Universities Move to Contextual Marketing

Seth Godin coined the phrase "interruption marketing" many years ago to describe the way traditional marketers interrupt the consumer to draw attention for their products and services. His message was that consumers will find more and more ways to avoid interruptions. He was right.   At the 2014 INTEAD Global Marketing Workshop for Academic Leaders in New York City, Hubspot's Matt Fradette showed the process and the successes of moving from interruption marketing to contextually relevant inbound marketing for universities.

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Are You Annoyed About Double-Dipping International Recruiting Agents, Too?

The discussion about using commission-based student recruiting agents has been an arduous and drawn out debate in the United States. With the NACAC acceptance, or let's say toleration, allowing NACAC members to use commission-based agents as long as they are managed appropriately, we have moved into the implemenation phase of agent-university relations.  One question that we hear frequently asked or at least mentioned with lots of grumbling is the "double-dipping" done by agents.  

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