Hoping all of you are well and looking out at the horizon (physically and metaphorically).
Right now, there are so many angles to consider. From delivering on our education missions to providing safety to our student and our colleagues, there is just a lot to think about.
The participants at our first Town Hall last week asked for more. So we must deliver! A GREAT BIG SHOUT OUT to last week's amazing panelists – see photos above and list below.
And Now, "The New Abnormal" Town Hall #2: The Perish Economy
Let us help you demonstrate the survival and adaptation skills you are trying to instill in your students.
As of this month, we are living in a start now or perish economy.
Those institutions that move at their traditional pace will fall down, likely hard. Our next Town Hall will be this Thursday, March 26 from 10-11:30am Eastern Time.
We will present this Town Hall in 3 sessions and our panel of experts will take your questions in this Ask Us Anything event:
- 10-10:30am The Technology Platforms that matter and the features you need
- 10:30-11am Recruiting and Admissions Processes that will deliver despite social distancing
- 11-11:30am Digital Marketing Campaigns to attract and convert within a 25-mile radius or from 8,600 miles away.
All registrants will receive access to the full recording of Town Hall #1 held last week and all of the resources we shared with those who attended.
You know this about us: The Intead team has been evaluating edtech solutions and recruiting tools for the past 12 years. We’ve reported on student trend data (domestic and international) and provided free guidance on it all for the past decade, every week. We’ve launched recruitment campaigns targeting students around the corner and around the world.
We simply don’t stop thinking about this stuff. Read on for what we can do to help you move forward.
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